Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Somtimes, they lie to you. Microsoft has plastered all over it's documentation that you can just call "Update" on a dataset, and bingo, all relevant changes will be posted back to the datastore in a bandwidth conserving manner.

An example...

private void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

How tidy this would be! To bad it doesn't work if you're doing something of any value with the dataset. For example, you might be using databinding on a form. Not exactly stretching the limits of the IDE here. The thing is, the CurrencyManager, which handles the task of binding datasets to form elements, is a bit sloppy. You get intermittent results if you just bind a form element to a dataset and then call update. The form does not consistently "let go" of the bound value, so when you call update, it may be the case that the dataset does not appear to have been altered, so you're hosed.

Here is an example of a properly built function, replacing the one line piece of crap above...

private void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     this.BindingContext[dataSet1, "TableName"].EndCurrentEdit();
        if(dataSet1.GetChanges() != null)
     catch(Exception err)

Not exactly the same, but it works.

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